Thursday, June 30, 2016

Atopic Dermatitis, Hot Spots, and Skin Allergies in Dogs: Natural Help

By Victoria Bowmann, PhD
We are a world of dog lovers! When our pets hurt, we hurt, at least I do and I suspect that you do too. Skin problems are frustrating and worrisome. Sometimes the diet is a contributor, but the root cause is in the intestine.
Seventy percent of the immune system in mammals is in the intestines and the skin is the largest organ of the immune system; therefore, when the skin is inflamed in any way, the intestines are inflamed as well. Dermatitis? Yes. Skin allergies? Yes. Acne in humans? Yes. When we address the intestines, there is a greater chance of helping the skin.
About a decade ago, I was visiting with my friend Angie, who is a veterinarian and works with dogs and cats. Her husband is also a veterinarian, and their pride and joy is a Springer Spaniel named Carli. As we talked about our mutual love of four footed animals, she shared that her dog had hot spots, that caused her to chew on these areas almost non-stop. They want to avoid cortisone treatments, which is the standard of care for this problem.  Since Carli has been 18 months old, she has struggled with allergy and skin related ailments: yeast otitis, Staph dermatitis and flea allergy dermatitis, and now the 'hot spots'. This caused her bedding to smell like dirty wet socks!
I explained the connection between the skin and their guts and suggested one application of rectal probiotics, which I call "reflorastation". I sent a kit with her when she left. That evening, Tom and Angie discussed my suggestion. Tom's remark was, "It couldn't hurt so let's give it a try."
Dinner was served, they all went out for their evening walk, and their Springer did what dogs do, and emptied out her bowels during this time. When they returned home, they followed the simple instructions and administered the Canine Kit.
Imagine my delight when Angie called the following morning, "Within 5 minutes the sores quit oozing and began to heal over. My dog no longer wanted to lick or chew at the areas. She improved measurably with only the reflorastation."
I explained that she needed to evaluate the diet and look for allergy or suspect foods. In time, Angie designed an organic diet for her dog. This information she offers to her patients and their pets. Not only do we need to correct the microbiota of the intestines, we need to see that what is going in by mouth doesn't contribute to the problem. Instead food should be designed to support the health and well being of our pets.
I've helped many dogs, and a few cats, with skin issues. There are natural ways to adjust the environment of the intestines. If you'd like to read more, visit:

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