Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cleansing and Rejuvenation

   One is so often bombarded with pollution, adulterated food laced with antibiotics and pesticides (yes, even our organic food is rained on by acid rain) and congestion. As these stresses mount, many people experience symptoms such as headaches, rashes, increased allergies and / or environmental illness. Some have severe constipation, others have skin rashes and eruptions, and then there are those yeast infections, which are called candida, or candidiasis. This can show up as a vaginal discharge or yucky white film on the tongue, called thrush. (Even babies get thrush and they are miserable when it occurs. More about babies later.)
   What can actually be done? Detoxification is a valuable way to rid the body of many of these toxins, but let us not forget to rebuild our cells in the process. I think it would be hard for each of us to "clean the garage one day, the attic the next, the basement the day after, and finally till the garden after that." Perhaps that seems like a strange comment here, but I see many individuals who don't take sufficient time to rebuild, rest and rejuvenate between cleansing periods.
   Let's take a look at a possible approach to cleansing. First of all, one would best assist the body by starting any program with thorough colon irrigation followed by an appropriate infusion of intestinal bacteria (At Home Colon Kit). I developed an easy application of this, called "Reflorastation." When this is included in the treatment, or done in the privacy of one's home, the large intestine is ready and willing to carry off the debris after its completion of the decomposition of food.
   Next, one would need an evaluation to determine the priority of cleansing what organs and in what order. One person might have weak kidneys, another a sluggish liver or malfunctioning gallbladder.
  Then a suitable program can be started. After cleansing a particular organ or system, time should be devoted to rebuilding it. Proper nutrition and supplementation can do this. Systematically, one can then address the next organ or system until we have completed the process. Routinely, or annually, depending on exposure can also help determine the frequency of cleansing.
   When one is nursing a baby it is important to not cleanse, rather to rebuild with good nutrition, as this will impact the nutrients given to one's baby in the mother's milk.

Case History: I have seen many cases of improved bowels and health in babies when the mother has a Reflorastation. Within three hours, the baby begins to settle down their digestive upsets, thrush has lessened, they sleep peacefully. One such baby had been up all night, she was only 3 weeks old, and her mouth was filled with thrush. Even though the parents were giving her medicine from the doctor, everyone was miserable. I treated the mother and she nursed her baby about an hour later. The fussiness lessened but only slightly. However, 3 hours later, she nursed again. Baby promptly fell asleep after burping, and slept for 6 hours. She awoke happy, gurgling, and bright eyed. Mom had passed the strength of the reflorastation to her baby.

   In this way, one can honor and care for their body by keeping it as pure and vitalized as possible.

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