Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We Are What We Don't Eliminate

  When we look at the pieces which compile a healthy life, we think of eating organic foods, exercise, rest, sunshine, and taking our vitamins. However, many times we neglect working on our elimination. Our body then stores toxins in cells, organs and glands.
  How do we observe toxins? First is fluid retention since our body is trying to dilute them. Second is yeast which protects us from heavy metal poisoning. Third is excess mucous which is secreted in the respiratory and digestive tracts against allergens and irritants. And fourth is fat which encases and stores the toxins.
 There are four ways we eliminate toxins from our bodies. Two are primary and two are secondary. We discard liquids from our blood stream through our kidneys and bladder. Our colon is the avenue which removes solid wastes. When these are working efficiently, we don't need to rely on our secondary systems which are the lungs and skin.
  The lungs attempt to detoxify our blood by throwing off or "out-gassing" toxins which we experience as odorous or putrid breath. The skin (the largest organ of the immune system) acts like an "extra" kidney. We see this as oozing eruptions, pimples, or blemishes.
  When the lungs and skin are needed to detoxify the body, the best approach is to clean and fortify the colon. In this way the primary systems are functioning correctly and the lungs and skin can return to their primary purposes.
  Positive change depends upon numerous factors such as age, vitality and length of exposure to toxins. A younger person might have greater reserve energy than someone older. A more recent exposure often has faster results than a chronic long-term or long-ago situation.
  When detoxification is done efficiently and safely, it can be quite effective in bringing about a greater sense of well being and increased energy to enjoy life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vickie,
    I want to thank you for recommending the Cellular Detox & Colon Cleanser. It has worked miracles on both my husband and me. He was getting this large belly which is unusual because he is a very healthy eater but his elimination was bad. Within 10 days the belly is gone. And he is feeling so much better.
    My problem started with a recent surgery and long hours seated in front of the computer. I became very toxic and it was painful just to stand up. Within a few day the pain left completely. I feel good, have more energy, and am ready to face the world again. In fact, I am leaving in a few weeks to exhibit in the "New World Crafts" trade show in Antiqua, Guatemala. Two months ago I would have never been able to do this. Thank you.
    Jo Ann Paulsen


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