Many consider the large intestine, or colon, to be only an
organ of elimination, much like the trashcan one has in the kitchen. This
couldn’t be further from the truth. It has varied and important functions of
digestion, as well as support and
protect our body. About 60% of the immune system is found in the intestines, so
there is a connection between the body’s ability to fight infection and help us
stay in a healthy condition, and the general health of the intestines, both
large and small intestines.
Just below the stomach is the small intestine that is
involved in further digestion and assimilation of nutrients. It is about 22
feet long and has little finger like structures called villi that do this
important work. At the ileo-cecal valve, the small intestine connects to the
large intestine where the bowl of the cecum and the appendix are located.
It is interesting to note that Duke University in 2007
thought they had discovered the purpose of the appendix. The article states, “.
. .the appendix is a compartment well suited for maintaining beneficial or
commensal microorganisms . . .” The study further said that is produces massive
amounts of bacteria populating the human digestive system and is believed to
protect the gut. Other scientists reviewing the paper said this theory makes
These advances of scientific opinion resonate with my
opinion of the appendix. I have never believed it was an evolutionary mutation
that was worthless. This valuable organ acts like a bacteria factory
cultivating good bacteria to be mixed with food stuff coming into the colon
from the small intestine.
The challenge is maintaining this viable mix of
microorganisms when medications, particularly antibiotics, are needed. This
would render the appendix void of good bacteria. However, my research in
probiotics offers an effective and efficient method of administration that
brings the balance back to the colon rapidly.
When there are beneficial bacteria in the colon, the major
functions of the organ are supported. These are the production of B-12 as well
as Vitamin K, as our colon makes these nutrients. It also assimilates nutrients
that are missed in the small intestine while blocking the re-absorption of
toxins that were consumed in and on the food and fluids we had. It also is a
recycling plant in that it absorbs bile to be reused in the digestion of fats
as well as absorbs water to assist the body in hydration.
One must think of the large intestine as the final stage of
the life cycle, being the decomposition portion. Just like what one does with
vegetable scraps that turn it into compost for their gardens. This is the break
down of food materials into compost due to the dark, moist, warm environment of
the organ and the presence of bacteria.
When one has a healthy functioning colon, there is support
for the liver, the kidneys, immune system and of course digestion.
Understanding this gives a different perspective and respect for the final
stage of digestion. A well functioning gastro-intestinal tract gives the body
fuel and energy for all of our processes of life. The greater care we give our
digestion, the better we function and the better we feel.
A sluggish body is often the signs of sluggish digestion
that could also include the liver. Part of taking care of our digestion could
include routine cleansing and re-establishing the correct balance of
micro-organisms. Please consider an occasional colon cleanse, reflorastation,
and possible parasite and liver cleanse. Your body deserves all the help you
can give it. After all, if one doesn’t take care of their body, where are we
going to live?