Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wisdom of the Large Intestine

Many consider the large intestine, or colon, to be only an organ of elimination, much like the trashcan one has in the kitchen. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It has varied and important functions of digestion,  as well as support and protect our body. About 60% of the immune system is found in the intestines, so there is a connection between the body’s ability to fight infection and help us stay in a healthy condition, and the general health of the intestines, both large and small intestines.

Just below the stomach is the small intestine that is involved in further digestion and assimilation of nutrients. It is about 22 feet long and has little finger like structures called villi that do this important work. At the ileo-cecal valve, the small intestine connects to the large intestine where the bowl of the cecum and the appendix are located.

It is interesting to note that Duke University in 2007 thought they had discovered the purpose of the appendix. The article states, “. . .the appendix is a compartment well suited for maintaining beneficial or commensal microorganisms . . .” The study further said that is produces massive amounts of bacteria populating the human digestive system and is believed to protect the gut. Other scientists reviewing the paper said this theory makes sense.

These advances of scientific opinion resonate with my opinion of the appendix. I have never believed it was an evolutionary mutation that was worthless. This valuable organ acts like a bacteria factory cultivating good bacteria to be mixed with food stuff coming into the colon from the small intestine.

The challenge is maintaining this viable mix of microorganisms when medications, particularly antibiotics, are needed. This would render the appendix void of good bacteria. However, my research in probiotics offers an effective and efficient method of administration that brings the balance back to the colon rapidly.

When there are beneficial bacteria in the colon, the major functions of the organ are supported. These are the production of B-12 as well as Vitamin K, as our colon makes these nutrients. It also assimilates nutrients that are missed in the small intestine while blocking the re-absorption of toxins that were consumed in and on the food and fluids we had. It also is a recycling plant in that it absorbs bile to be reused in the digestion of fats as well as absorbs water to assist the body in hydration.

One must think of the large intestine as the final stage of the life cycle, being the decomposition portion. Just like what one does with vegetable scraps that turn it into compost for their gardens. This is the break down of food materials into compost due to the dark, moist, warm environment of the organ and the presence of bacteria.

When one has a healthy functioning colon, there is support for the liver, the kidneys, immune system and of course digestion. Understanding this gives a different perspective and respect for the final stage of digestion. A well functioning gastro-intestinal tract gives the body fuel and energy for all of our processes of life. The greater care we give our digestion, the better we function and the better we feel.

A sluggish body is often the signs of sluggish digestion that could also include the liver. Part of taking care of our digestion could include routine cleansing and re-establishing the correct balance of micro-organisms. Please consider an occasional colon cleanse, reflorastation, and possible parasite and liver cleanse. Your body deserves all the help you can give it. After all, if one doesn’t take care of their body, where are we going to live?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Pain of Working Out

Injury with pain are so all encompassing, sometimes it even hurts to read about the accident. However, to also find solutions that bring about quick, easy, and painless relief is the positive side.

This story hurts to write and if you have ever worked with or seen a kettlebell you will understand. Michael Krivka is a nationally recognized Kettlebell instructor.  He learned about the hybrid technology of combining low level laser light with micro-stimulation to help resolve pain. Michael had not been able to sleep well for several years due to back and neck issues. One Saturday he had this technology used on him and on Sunday he slept through the night pain free for the first time in as long as he could remember.  Michael felt this was of such value, he began using this technology immediately.

At a national Kettlebell classes a lady from out of town accidently dropped a 53 pound kettlebell on her hand from about 4 feet up.  By the time Michael got to her, her third and fourth finger were sausages, discoloring and she could not close her hand more than 15 %. Needless to say, she was in extreme pain and distress.

Michael grabbed his hybrid device and worked on her hand for less than 10 minutes.  When he was done, her fingers were their normal size and the correct color.  Even more impressive was that she had full range of motion in her hand and able to continue to participate in class.  Needless to say everyone was impressed and the lady was happy to have not missed out on the joy of playing the Kettlebells.. 

When one can catch an injury fast enough, recovery time is cut by more than half and in some instances eliminate the damage before the body has time to react to the injury. In essence, it can reduce the inflammatory response the body has to injury because the injury is being resolved with light and frequency.

It is remarkable what ones body can do and how self-efficient they can be.  Having and using this technology for myself is such a bonus to the body’s natural repair and healing process.  

Where there is pain in the body, there is a 93% probably for relief. Interesting as well, with continued applications, this relief may move to resolution. The reason being, the combination of low level laser light with micro-stimulation activated ATP, which is the body’s energy source. What is occurring is natural function of the cell: the utilization of nutrients, the repair to the cell, and the elimination of the byproducts of life, called wastes.

If cells are too debilitated, then they will sluff off and new cells will take their place. If a cell is capable of regeneration, then the light and frequency will activate the cell and it will recover and begin to function as a strong healthy cell. As I observe our bodies, it is amazing the wisdom, intelligence and capability of every cell we have. Do we know “how” this occurs? In science, yes; however, the intelligence behind this healing, no, we don’t. I consider this the art of healing versus the science of healing.

When one is in pain, no matter the cause, the focus of our concern is simply getting out of pain. Medicine, like over the counter pain pills are temporary, useful, but temporary. However, it find technology that can bring about rapid relief, in as little as 2 to 10 minutes, is amazing. The list of conditions that it can help is practically endless, and certainly worth considering.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Do you believe what you see? Or see what you believe?

Perhaps when one is confronted with illness, diseases and syndromes on a minute-by-minute basis, almost every day, one believes what one sees and forgets the reality of living in a dream state. In one’s nighttime dreams, one can fly away from the problem, or plunge into danger and awaken to find themselves safely in the comfort of their own bed. If one has had the experience or training to Lucid Dream, one can even change the results in their “night time dreams” before they awaken to the daytime dream life.

One’s life can be seen as a dream with continuity, where one awakens every morning to their dream-life that isn’t recognized as a dream, with a continuity of the problems, people and circumstances from the day, or week, or year(s) prior. Stretchy concept, isn’t it?

A philosopher and thinker, Albert Einstein said: “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Does this perhaps explain the continuity of life’s dream state? As a great scientist, Einstein spoke of “spooky action at a distance” as he related to coherence in mathematical generators that were responding to events prior to their occurrence. It is seen before major disasters, such as massive earthquakes, and before the events on 9/11/2001.

Another German born physicist, Helmut Schmidt, is discussed in Bruce Lipton’s book, Spontaneous Evolution, on page 274. In his work, he connected a random number generator to an audio device to record clicks in either the left or right ear of a set of headphones. Later, a volunteer was asked to mentally influence the outcome of these clicks. To his surprise, Schmidt found that the volunteers could indeed influence the distribution of clicks on tapes recorded two days earlier, if and only if, the recorded clicks went unobserved until after the volunteer had the chance to influence them. Consequently, if they had been observed prior to the volunteer’s time with the tape, there was no subsequent influence on the clicks.

Modern day speaker, presenter and participant in The Secret, Mike Dooley, stands on his key phrase: thoughts become things: choose the good ones. In his books and recordings, he discusses many aspects of engaging the magic to create change in ones life. Seemingly the most important one is visualizing the end result without determining the numerous possible “cursed hows” of getting there. Tomorrow comes with it’s own set of resources.

So how does one relate to these ideas? Perhaps if one’s life is fabulous in every way, one needn’t. However, if one finds that anything out there is disrupting one’s joy, one might attempt to influence the unified field. Let’s look at some common phrases that might be heard in today’s world:

  * In this economy, of course I don’t have enough work.

  * Sometimes, I feel like I’m preaching to the choir, why doesn’t everyone get the importance of …

  * The standard medical model just doesn’t accept integrative medicine.

Yup, yup, and yup. Phrases are thoughts manifested into words. So according to Dooley, the Universe has to manifest these results when one has an attachment to the validity of the statement.

TRUTH doesn’t care what rules one makes, it simply unconditionally supports those beliefs. It’s part of one’s dream, or one’s illusion; one can change the nightmare into sweet dreams by adjusting thoughts, words, deeds and behaviors to support a new goal. One can also change the rules so one always wins when there is understanding on how to change the rules. Interesting?

In adjusting ones thoughts, bringing them into line with Truth more rapidly activates the results. Monitoring words in both an offensive and defensive manner is important. Offensively, one speaks of the desired results as if it has already occurred. Defensively, one avoids words that would contradict the end results as well as avoiding discussions with others that support i.e.: “the recession” as listed above. As for cultivating ones deeds and behaviors, begin to demonstrate gratitude and methods of operating in the new desired belief system. (Isn’t there enough for everyone in a dream?) One cannot know when or how the Universe will enter into your affairs, only that it will. Therefore it is important to stay the course and take whatever steps are available – just for today. Tomorrow, continue with the available steps. One only looses if and when one gives up.

The understanding of phenomenal power available to each and every one comes with great responsibility. So how does one fit into the equation of being a reality creator? Become a thinker, visualize, verbalize the sought after end results and take small steps toward the goal. Move with consciousness to honor the responsibility one has with higher knowledge.

As an experiment, challenge yourself to repeat the following phrases with gusto and emotion for several minutes each morning, perhaps getting ready for the day or on the drive to work. Make this commitment for only 6 weeks. Then evaluate the benefits in your life.

  * It’s all easy.

  * I am inspired and motivated when I need it most.

  * I receive new ideas when challenged by any serious situation.

  * I’ve got all the time in the world.

  * I always have the right thing to say, at the right time, and to the right person.

  * I have total clarity.

  * I live deliberately and consciously.

  * My body is a self-regulating, self-healing point of light.

  * I hone my skills and improve my talents.

  * I summon new opportunities.

  * I’m worthy.

  * There’s enough for everybody.

 (Psst, it's okay to make up a few of your own, first person, present tense, and positively charged.

If at the end of the 6 weeks one isn’t pleased with their progress, one can always make this a cross over study by returning to old beliefs and behaviors.

If you wonder what you believe in, observe your life. If this is unpleasant and one would like to change their dream, instead of believing what one sees, one can now begin to see beliefs by changing thought, words and actions. While one could argue that we live in a physical universe, study of the unified field suggests otherwise. In conclusion, I would offer this thought: “Let’s behave physically but with spiritual awareness. Choose the good ones and take the high road.”

Would you like more information on these concepts. If so,  email Dr Victoria for a free CD to clarify these ideas.